Friends first add the symbian user to whome you wanna dc then check his / her client by this bombus user will get dc
you can also dc bombus with this bombus by checking client..
and for to dc java put your resource like this (<>) soo you can dc all now
download it and try

تاریخ: جمعه 29 بهمن 1389برچسب:dc kardan,
ارسال توسط tanriya
ارسال توسط tanriya
link download
ارسال توسط tanriya
ارسال توسط tanriya
Hala ye barname baratoon mizaram ke supporteresh protocole jabbere ! Ba in barname ke to nimbuzz-urmia garar gerefte shoma 1/6 nimbuzz sharj masraf mikonid in yek ! Hichjuri dc nakhahad shod ba hich barnamei ! Va hich kasam nemitooni floodetoon kone
تاریخ: سه شنبه 12 بهمن 1389برچسب:anti dc,anti flood,
ارسال توسط tanriya
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