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inam ye room flooder khafan ke age idiatoon ziad bashe roomo freez ham mikone kar ba in barname kheyly rahate
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Dragon Fire Auto Flooder Version 5
The Most Speed Auto Flooder
Flood Any Room
And Flood
2 Users In This Room
Flood Room With 4 Messages Very Fast
And Flood The 2 Users
With 4 Different Other Messages
This Auto Flood
Contain 700 Different id
For Buy Dragon Fire Auto Flooder Any one
have 5000 it cost 100 $ for the one version
worked on one pc
download dar edame
nimbuzz game bot
for master of the game command:
//reveal = to reveal th question
//game stop = to stop the game
//game pause = to pause the game
//game start = to start the game
//kick nick = to kick out palyer for the game
//anime = to change the game category to anime game
//gta = to chnage the game category to gta game
//trivia = to change the game category to trivia game
//cluelimit 1 to give 1 clue limit for each player
//cluelimit 2 to give 2 clue limit for each player
//cluelimit 3 to give 3 clue limit for each palyer
//shuffle to reshuffle the game list
Can be also use manual operation
All Game File will be located at QUIZ forlder
You can modefied all Game Question and answer
The format for Q n A will be separated for the comma
Sample: Question,Answer
2. WELCOME b@t
Welcome message if participants Join the room
GoodBye Message if participants leave the room
You can select Welcome Message for 3 version
1. Version 1 is for Good Welcome and Good Goodbye message
2. Version 2 is for b@d Welcome and b@d Goodbye message
3. Version 3 is for Flirt Welcome and Flirt Goodbye message
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Version Jadid Crazy Sniper Flooder Ver 2

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Dragon Fire Auto Flooder
Version 4
Contain 5000 Different Ids
More Than Circular Flood ids
Sectioned In 10 Groubs
Every Groub
Have 500 Id
All Send 20 Different Msgs
Please .. Good Use To The Soft
To Live With You The More Time You want
Protected Payed Rooms
Can't Be Flooded By It
This Is The Last Auto Flooder Containig
Circular Flood Ids
(warning:this soft not support (symbol and Arabic ids
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in barname niaz be ID flood nadare faqat kafie esme roomo vared konid
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ye soft vase add flood
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ba in soft mishe pv 18 nafar ro dakhel room flood kard
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nesbat be version qabl
-sorat sakhtane id bishtare
-version qabl bazi ida namisakht ama in kamel misaze
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avalin chiz TrayIcon ya hamon NotifyIcone k vaghti barnamro ejra kardi va gozashti toye rom mituni befrestish kenare saat, age ksio ban ya visitor kne baratun gozaresh mide va mozaheme karetam nemishe
morede badi ine ke Tedade useraro b binahayat ziad kardam ta dar sorate ban kardane ziad id block nashe, har chanta id k on knid 30ta id hamzaman on mishe(kheiliam ziade) va masalan age shoma tuye idha 500 ta id modir ham gozashte bashi age id dc ya block she az beine on 500ta id yekio shansi entekhab mkne va jaygozin mkne,dar morede ban ham, intor nis k id modiri k toye roome faghat code ban ro ersal kne, az beine on 30 ta id k on hastan code ban shansi az yedunashun ersal mishe ta b 1 id feshar nayado zood block nashe
morede akhar ham gozaresh tuye khode barname ke harkio ban ya visitor kne minbise va ba dalil, masalan age yekio bekhatere resourcesh ban ya visitore kne mige, va mige k resourcesh in bood k ban ya visitor shode, message ham hamintor, inja age khodet shak kardi k alaki ban shode ya ksi ino bet goft ba in jaye soal baghi nemimone...
size : 425 KB
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DraGon Fire RevenGer Version 7.7
The Perfect Room Flooder

Flood with 9 diffrent msgs
and 3 subjects
and nick name changes
This Is The Full Option and the start mood of Revenger 7.7
This Soft Like
6 Softs In The Same Soft
msgs + Subjects + nick names
Just msgs
just 9 subjects
just enter left and change nick names
Send msgs And Subject
send msgs and change nick name when left
For Protect Your Room Percush To add It On The Soft
It will not flooded by the soft
There Is DraGon Revenger 7.7
download dar edame
1-id*haton ro on mikonid
2-esme room ro to gesmate room name vared mikonid
3-gozine participant-start ro mizand
har ki to room bashe va harki ke vard r00m beshe esmesh miyad to list va har ki too list hastesh behesh add flood va add dc mide hatta age az room left bede.
fgt zamani add stop mishe ke shoma soft ro bebandid
1-Enter your ID
2-Write the room name in the room name
3-Click the participant-start
Anyone who is in the room And if anyone enters the room His name will appear in the list And you can add dc and add flood everyone who is in the list
Translated by tanriya